Jeff Daniels on why he keeps risking failure

Posted by Colleen Murray on September 7, 2021
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CBS News
Sunday Morning with Correspondent Tracy Smith
September 5, 2021

At his home in Chelsea, Michigan, Jeff Daniels is right where he wants to be.

“Something keeps you here?” asked correspondent Tracy Smith.

“It’s the humidity,” Daniels replied. “I’m not comfortable unless I feel like I’m in a sauna.”

Never? “No. That’s one reason I moved back to Michigan after ten years in New York. This was 1986. ‘When it’s over, I’ll have my wife and two-year-old and later two other kids, and when the phone call comes – You’re over – I’m already home!'”

But right now, his home is on streaming TV. In the new Showtime series “American Rust,” Daniels is the police chief of a run-down little town trying to uncoil a murder mystery that touches some of the people he’s closest to.


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